Siberut island recently received international attention on the primary conservation area, and the unique culture of ethnic Mentawaian endemicity and its bio-diversity must be maintained. Although the island has much to offer, the possibilities are not fully exploited, particularly for tourism.
Most visitors to the island is only interested in seeing the culture of indigenous tribes such as the common life in the clan of the traditional house UMA along the bank.
Siberut National Park occupies the western half of the island's north coast. Today, biodiversity conservation integrated project, organized by PHPA, Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with local communities, local NGOs and other institutions, conducts the program of community-based conservation.
Siberut Island (4.030 km ²) is the largest island in the archipelago of four islands Mentawaian. It is located about 155 km from the west coast of Sumatra, the Straits of all Mentawaian. Mentawaian islands belong administratively Kabupaten (Regency), Padang Pariaman in the province of West Sumatra. Siberut is divided into two Kecamatan (district): North and South centers Muara Siberut and Muara Siberut administrative Sikabaluan who is also a service to the market centers of Siberut.
According to the Forestry Ministerial Decree (No. 407/Kpts II/93 dated 10-VII-93), an area of 190,500 hectares was declared Siberut National Park in 1993.
TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATEThe Siberut Island is characterized by a wet equatorial climate, with minimum and maximum temperatures of 22 ° C (71.6F) and 31 ° C (87.8F). The dry season is from February to June and the rainy season is from July to January. Siberut is hilly with steep slopes. Almost 60% is covered by tropical forests, many forest types, such as: primary dipterocarp forest, primary forest, mixed forest swamps, mangroves and Barringtonia. In addition, many rivers in the islands with a complex system of tributaries.
PLACES OF INTEREST INTERESTSome and interesting things to see are:
Community and Culture: Although Siberut is only a small island, the internal variations in language, culture, lifestyle, and resources is very important. There is no clear indication of when man first arrived on Siberut, but suggest that the anthropologist Batak of North Sumatra settled in the island several thousand years. In many ways, the people of Siberut are among the most archaic in Indonesia.
Mentawaian patrineal groups are traditionally organized and social life around the house along the municipal UMA, which took place in the clan of people related through a common ancestor. UMA size varies between 30-80 members, who are in nuclear family units called LALEP. Since the internal friction, the clan may be divided to form a new group or a single family.
Mentawaians believe that all living objects, men, animals and plants are presumably life. Only the expert community is a sorcerer, Kerea, responsible for communication with the spirits and souls. In case of accident or illness, is called to restore harmony in a group or in relation to the spirits of the environment. Taboo to develop a system based on religious beliefs in relation with the environment is the dominant feature of traditional life in Siberut.
Visit and stay in a village Mentawai walk in the forest, see the treatment and processing of barkcloth of sago, and other activities that increase the interest and fascination with the natural philosophy of Mentawaians.
Jungle Adventure: very few visitors have explored the island densely Fresta. Inside the national park adventures pleasant surprises await the visitor. Visit a cave in central Siberut or waterfalls in the north and south of the island, are available upon request from your guide. Be aware of your surroundings. You may have the opportunity to see and hear some fauna. Siberut has four endemic primates in the local names are called Bilu (Hylobates Kloss) Simakobu (Simi concolor), Bokoi (Macaca pagensis) and Joja (Presbytis Potenziani). There are at least five species of squirrels and birds abound in the island. Fill a canoe ride on muddy trails shippery balanced on a log, wading a shallow river, brushing through a dense jungle - are all part of an unforgettable adventure in the jungle of Siberut.
Most visitors to the island are only interested in seeing the culture of the indigenous tribes, as the community life of the clan in a traditional house of the river along the UMA.
Siberut National Park is located in the western part of the 'island of the coast. At the time, took the conservation of biodiversity, organized by PHPA, MOF together with local authorities, local NGOs and other institutions, will make the Community-based conservation program.
Siberut Island (4.030 km ²) is the largest island in the archipelago of four islands Mentawaian. It is located about 155 km from the west coast of Sumatra, the Straits of all Mentawaian. Mentawaian islands belong administratively Kabupaten (Regency), Padang Pariaman in the province of West Sumatra. Siberut is divided into two Kecamatan (district): North and South centers Muara Siberut and Muara Siberut administrative Sikabaluan who is also a service to the market centers of Siberut.
According to the Decree of the Ministry of Forestry (No 407/Kpts II/93, dated 10-VII-93), 190 500 hectares of area has been declared Siberut National Park in 1993.
Topography and CLIMATEThe Siberut Island is characterized by a wet equatorial climate, with minimum and maximum temperature of 22o C (71.6F) and 31 ° C (87.8F). The dry season is from February to June and the rainy season is from July to January. Siberut is hilly with wide variations in height. Nearly 60% is covered by tropical forest with many forest types such as: primary dipterocarp forest, primary forest mixed swamp forest, mangrove forest and Barringtonia. There are many rivers on the islands with a complex system of tributaries.
PLACES INTERESTSome interesting objects to see are:
Community and Culture: Although Siberut is only a small island, the internal variations in language, culture, lifestyle, and resources is very important. There is no clear indication of when man first arrived on Siberut, but suggest that the anthropologist Batak of North Sumatra settled in the island several thousand years. In many ways, the people of Siberut are among the most archaic in Indonesia.
The Mentawai are traditionally organized in the life of social groups and patrineal around the UMA, a communal house, which has long held a clan of people united by a common ancestor. UMA range in size from 30 to 80 members in the nuclear family units, called LALEP. Due to internal friction, the clan may break away and form a new group or family.
The Mentawaians believe that all living beings, men, plants and animals likely to have alcohol. The only specialist in community medicine KEREI is the man responsible for communication with the spirits and souls. In case of accident or illness, he is called to restore harmony in the group or in connection with the spirits in the environment. A system based on religious beliefs Taboo draw regarding the environment is a dominant feature of traditional life on Siberut.
Visit and stay in a village Mentawaian, trek in the jungle, learn about the treatment and processing of sago bark cloth, and perform other activities that will increase your interest and fascination of the natural philosophy Mentawaians .
Jungle Adventure: very few visitors have explored the thickly frested island. In the National Park of pleasant surprises awaiting visitors adventures. Visiting a cave in central Siberut, or cascades, the north and south of the island, you can request, with your guide. Be observant of your surroundings. You may be able to see and hear some of the endemic wildlife. Siberut has four endemic primates, which are called local names Bilou (Hylobates Kloss), Simakobu (Simias concolor), Boko (Macaca pagensis), and JOJA (Presbytis Power). There are at least five species of squirrels and chipmunks, and abundance of birds across the island. Fill a canoeing is balancing on a log shippery muddy trails, forded a shallow river, brushing through a dense jungle - are all part of an unforgettable adventure in the Siberut jungle.
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