The "Kecak Dance" -- A Wonderful Balinese Music Experience

Friday, September 30, 2011 0 comments

Painting, wood carving and dance reflects the soul of the Balinese. Traditional dance, in particular, the Hindu festival, and also to welcome visitors. Here you see one of the "Kecak Dance," which was performed Galungan, the biggest Hindu festival, Pura (temple) Luhur Ulu Watu, on the rock of the southern part of the island.

Kecak Dance tells the Indian story of Ramayana. Rama, a warrior and rightful hier to the throne of Ayodya, is exiled with his wife Sita, and the desert far away. There, the evil king of Spies, Sita, falls in love with him, and sent a reminder Rama golden deer away. SITA is closed, and turn his army of Rama to defeat the evil king and save her. Rama is a man dancing in the middle of the green circle, the golden lion has a new mystery.

What makes the Kecak such a fascinating dance to watch some fifty men in checkered pants. They are both the choir and accessories that give the music history in a series of constant vocal chants that change with the mood of the players. They do not sit still either, they wave their arms to simulate fire and position themselves around the stage to represent wind and fire, prison cells, and the invisible hand of the protection of the gods.

The dance is played in five acts and lasts about 45 minutes. Weekly (in some places daily) performances of the Kecak The plentiful around the island, but the theater is best known in the city of Kecak Batubulan just north of the capital of Bali. The dance company provides transportation for a nominal fee and the station.

Attending a Kecak recital is a must for any visitor to Bali. This is a wonderful experience, and a window into the musical and artistic culture that make the Balinese a special people.

Dani Tribe in Baliem Valley


Baliem Valley and the Dani tribe waited a long time to be discovered. Highland Papua is one of the last areas to explore new Guinea. High in the mountains of West Papua (Irian Jaya), were generally considered uninhabited. In early 1398 the pilot, Richard Archbold was noted that there was something special deep inside, and a large valley located in a mountain of 4000 meters. The valley was clearly recognizable as fields, similar to those he knew in Europe. Baliem Valley and the Dani tribe came up with pure luck.

Baliem Valley, the life of the Dani tribe, is the most fertile part of the plain covers western New Guinea Island - Papua (Irian Jaya). Baliem Valley is located about 1,800 meters above sea level and is surrounded by a ridge mountians some of which reach up to 4500 m. There are also some fish Baliem River, which flows through the valley. Baliem Valley area is not large, about 60 × 30 km.

The first parachute mission, Loyd Van Stone, as late as 1954. Only then will the civilization of the Baliem valley, and Dani and Lani tribes begin. Since Baliem Valley was a gateway to explore the highlands of West Papua. No road has yet been built, but at a major airport Waman was built, and now supplies transported by cargo plane high. American Hercules planes trucks and construction equipment. Thank you now, could a vast network of paved roads ahead, brick houses were built, etc. Despite all these developments is the Baliem valley is still dominated by the thatched roofs of the tribe Dani.

Danis is an indigenous tribe that lived in the Baliem valley at the time of its discovery. Danis belong to some of the "decorative" tribes in West Papua.

Their penchant for "fancy dress" shows most of the time of the war. You've probably seen the famous photo of the Dani tribe members, with boar's tusks in their noses, and hats with feathers Paradise. The men wear long, thin koteka Dani. The women wear short skirts Danis woven from fibers of orchids, decorated with straw and woven bags with essential called "noken" in the back. As women of the tribe Yali, women wear short skirts Dani under their butts.

Despite Danis were discovered relatively late - in 1938, became one of the best known tribes in New Guinea. Dani held one of the most fertile parts of Papua. As a result, they often had to fight for their territory. There were frequent wars among themselves Danis. They were the most formidable headhunters on the island tribe, which is even more remarkable when you consider that eat their enemies, like most of the tribes of Papua others did.

Dani build round or oval huts, and their villages are enclosed by fences. They are farmers, and their small fields are distinctly bordered. This is what helped Richard Archbold spot them from the plane. The Dani tribe’s customs and culture are very rich and interesting. Several pages could be written on these topics.
His penchant for "dress" the majority of the sample in time of war. You've probably seen the photos of the famous members of the Dani tribe, with boar tusks in their noses, and hats with feathers of birds of paradise. The men wear long, thin koteka Dani. Danis The women wear short skirts woven from fibers of orchids adorned with woven straw and bags key called "noken" on the back. As women Yali tribe, the Dani women wear short skirts below their buttocks.

Despite the fact that Danis was discovered relatively late - in 1938, became one of the most famous tribes in New Guinea. Dani on a fertile part of Papua. As a result, often had to fight for their territory. There was also a frequent wars between them Danis. They were the most feared headhunting tribes of the island, which is all the more, if we do not eat their enemies, like most other tribes have made Papua.

Nias Island


Located 125 km onshore Sumatra, the island of Nias is famous for its' megalith altars, spectacular traditional architecture and the complexity of religious sites. This isolated island possession on undulating terrain of mountains, valleys, gorges and rivers. North of this island is sparsely populated.

The local call their land as Tano Niha or "land of the people" as they are called the same as Ono Noha. Nias ethnic they are involved in the ethnic-Malay Ptoto, again obtained with the Asian Proto-Mongolian world. Nias speak a kind of language related to Madagascar. Because of the similarity of language, customs, the body size of Batak of Sumatra Nias with the mainland, it is possible that the island of Nias has derived Batak.

According to customary law, there are three classes of Nias, namely the aristocracy, ordinary people and slaves. The number of owned ointments, which represents the social status of a family. People used to be scarred for a particular purpose. A young man must serve the family of his future wife for some time before the wedding.

War as a dance in South Nias, Indonesia is only a highly qualified dance performing acrobatic jumps. The Warrior Dance is a mesmerizing dance song scary voice rattling shields, men shouted, jumping like a frog in the air. Niasers also perform mock battles and armed struggle. They receive a horned helmet, shoulder boards flaring, boar tusk protruding facial mask, a double-edged sword, sharp spears to hit the enemy physiologically.

A culture of Nias, which still exists is the jumping rock, or locally called fahombe. Fahombe performed according prove beyond a man to his wife. The man had to jump over a stone table two meters high. In the past, the top of the stone table is covered with spikes and sharp bamboos. Tactically, this stone jumping also means educating young warrior facing the wall of their enemy with a torch in one hand a sword in the other night. Pierre jumps ever conducted in villages in South Nias.

Nias attractions has many historical remains and unique culture to enjoy. Megalithic stone unique clan houses, and their war dance are among the attractions. The environment is the car offers a challenge to ride a wave on the planet.

Navigating the best time to surf Nias is from June to October with the biggest swells, but the rest of the year is ideal for those who want smaller waves.

NIAS has one of the best right-handed in Indonesia. It is located at the western end of the bay and can hold up lagundi 15 feet. There is also an excellent left reef break that works for more than four feet. If you are looking for hollow, deep waves of Nias is definitely worth a visit. There are also many other places to explore like the Hinako Islands.



Siberut island recently received international attention on the primary conservation area, and the unique culture of ethnic Mentawaian endemicity and its bio-diversity must be maintained. Although the island has much to offer, the possibilities are not fully exploited, particularly for tourism.

Most visitors to the island is only interested in seeing the culture of indigenous tribes such as the common life in the clan of the traditional house UMA along the bank.

Siberut National Park occupies the western half of the island's north coast. Today, biodiversity conservation integrated project, organized by PHPA, Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with local communities, local NGOs and other institutions, conducts the program of community-based conservation.

Siberut Island (4.030 km ²) is the largest island in the archipelago of four islands Mentawaian. It is located about 155 km from the west coast of Sumatra, the Straits of all Mentawaian. Mentawaian islands belong administratively Kabupaten (Regency), Padang Pariaman in the province of West Sumatra. Siberut is divided into two Kecamatan (district): North and South centers Muara Siberut and Muara Siberut administrative Sikabaluan who is also a service to the market centers of Siberut.

According to the Forestry Ministerial Decree (No. 407/Kpts II/93 dated 10-VII-93), an area of ​​190,500 hectares was declared Siberut National Park in 1993.

TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATEThe Siberut Island is characterized by a wet equatorial climate, with minimum and maximum temperatures of 22 ° C (71.6F) and 31 ° C (87.8F). The dry season is from February to June and the rainy season is from July to January. Siberut is hilly with steep slopes. Almost 60% is covered by tropical forests, many forest types, such as: primary dipterocarp forest, primary forest, mixed forest swamps, mangroves and Barringtonia. In addition, many rivers in the islands with a complex system of tributaries.

PLACES OF INTEREST INTERESTSome and interesting things to see are:

Community and Culture: Although Siberut is only a small island, the internal variations in language, culture, lifestyle, and resources is very important. There is no clear indication of when man first arrived on Siberut, but suggest that the anthropologist Batak of North Sumatra settled in the island several thousand years. In many ways, the people of Siberut are among the most archaic in Indonesia.

Mentawaian patrineal groups are traditionally organized and social life around the house along the municipal UMA, which took place in the clan of people related through a common ancestor. UMA size varies between 30-80 members, who are in nuclear family units called LALEP. Since the internal friction, the clan may be divided to form a new group or a single family.

Mentawaians believe that all living objects, men, animals and plants are presumably life. Only the expert community is a sorcerer, Kerea, responsible for communication with the spirits and souls. In case of accident or illness, is called to restore harmony in a group or in relation to the spirits of the environment. Taboo to develop a system based on religious beliefs in relation with the environment is the dominant feature of traditional life in Siberut.

Visit and stay in a village Mentawai walk in the forest, see the treatment and processing of barkcloth of sago, and other activities that increase the interest and fascination with the natural philosophy of Mentawaians.

Jungle Adventure: very few visitors have explored the island densely Fresta. Inside the national park adventures pleasant surprises await the visitor. Visit a cave in central Siberut or waterfalls in the north and south of the island, are available upon request from your guide. Be aware of your surroundings. You may have the opportunity to see and hear some fauna. Siberut has four endemic primates in the local names are called Bilu (Hylobates Kloss) Simakobu (Simi concolor), Bokoi (Macaca pagensis) and Joja (Presbytis Potenziani). There are at least five species of squirrels and birds abound in the island. Fill a canoe ride on muddy trails shippery balanced on a log, wading a shallow river, brushing through a dense jungle - are all part of an unforgettable adventure in the jungle of Siberut.

Siberut island recently received international attention on the primary conservation area, and the unique culture of ethnic Mentawaian endemicity and its bio-diversity must be maintained. Although the island has much to offer, the possibilities are not fully exploited, particularly for tourism.

Most visitors to the island are only interested in seeing the culture of the indigenous tribes, as the community life of the clan in a traditional house of the river along the UMA.

Siberut National Park is located in the western part of the 'island of the coast. At the time, took the conservation of biodiversity, organized by PHPA, MOF together with local authorities, local NGOs and other institutions, will make the Community-based conservation program.

Siberut Island (4.030 km ²) is the largest island in the archipelago of four islands Mentawaian. It is located about 155 km from the west coast of Sumatra, the Straits of all Mentawaian. Mentawaian islands belong administratively Kabupaten (Regency), Padang Pariaman in the province of West Sumatra. Siberut is divided into two Kecamatan (district): North and South centers Muara Siberut and Muara Siberut administrative Sikabaluan who is also a service to the market centers of Siberut.

According to the Decree of the Ministry of Forestry (No 407/Kpts II/93, dated 10-VII-93), 190 500 hectares of area has been declared Siberut National Park in 1993.

Topography and CLIMATEThe Siberut Island is characterized by a wet equatorial climate, with minimum and maximum temperature of 22o C (71.6F) and 31 ° C (87.8F). The dry season is from February to June and the rainy season is from July to January. Siberut is hilly with wide variations in height. Nearly 60% is covered by tropical forest with many forest types such as: primary dipterocarp forest, primary forest mixed swamp forest, mangrove forest and Barringtonia. There are many rivers on the islands with a complex system of tributaries.

PLACES INTERESTSome interesting objects to see are:

Community and Culture: Although Siberut is only a small island, the internal variations in language, culture, lifestyle, and resources is very important. There is no clear indication of when man first arrived on Siberut, but suggest that the anthropologist Batak of North Sumatra settled in the island several thousand years. In many ways, the people of Siberut are among the most archaic in Indonesia.

The Mentawai are traditionally organized in the life of social groups and patrineal around the UMA, a communal house, which has long held a clan of people united by a common ancestor. UMA range in size from 30 to 80 members in the nuclear family units, called LALEP. Due to internal friction, the clan may break away and form a new group or family.

The Mentawaians believe that all living beings, men, plants and animals likely to have alcohol. The only specialist in community medicine KEREI is the man responsible for communication with the spirits and souls. In case of accident or illness, he is called to restore harmony in the group or in connection with the spirits in the environment. A system based on religious beliefs Taboo draw regarding the environment is a dominant feature of traditional life on Siberut.

Visit and stay in a village Mentawaian, trek in the jungle, learn about the treatment and processing of sago bark cloth, and perform other activities that will increase your interest and fascination of the natural philosophy Mentawaians .

Jungle Adventure: very few visitors have explored the thickly frested island. In the National Park of pleasant surprises awaiting visitors adventures. Visiting a cave in central Siberut, or cascades, the north and south of the island, you can request, with your guide. Be observant of your surroundings. You may be able to see and hear some of the endemic wildlife. Siberut has four endemic primates, which are called local names Bilou (Hylobates Kloss), Simakobu (Simias concolor), Boko (Macaca pagensis), and JOJA (Presbytis Power). There are at least five species of squirrels and chipmunks, and abundance of birds across the island. Fill a canoeing is balancing on a log shippery muddy trails, forded a shallow river, brushing through a dense jungle - are all part of an unforgettable adventure in the Siberut jungle.

    Dayak Tribe Travel Information

    Thursday, September 29, 2011 0 comments

    By visiting Palangkaraya, just look outside your window air and watch the green field of nature below the cut by a small river with a slow roll during passage downstream of the mangrove forest. The flow is similar to the dragon's head with the body without end.

    When the area of ​​forest that seems to be far apart and of course, Palangkaraya city appears as if out of the rainforest. Central Kalimantan has great potential for tourism and natural resources. Planting, forestry, fishing, mining and ranching can attract curious visitors. On the other hand, the diversity of ethnic groups is interesting. Three main tribes in this region are Dayak Ot Danum and Ma'anyan Ngaju Dusun tribe.

    Curious? Outputs of your routine and enjoy the differences between the other Dayak life.


    By Garuda Indonesia Airlines' domestic flights directly to Palangkaraya three times a day. In Palangkaraya, you should book a travel package that includes a visit to a village Dayak. Some packages even include live with them.


    You must go back to Palangkaraya to rent a car or book a trip as you can ask the guide to show you anywhere you want. The wizard will give you a prediction on the time it takes to get there and what you can do to make the experience enjoyable.


    Palangkaraya, the local language means Dayak 'holy container' Palangkaraya. Palangkaraya is easily accessible from Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Balikpapan and other places on the island by air. The city was the center of government, commerce and education in the province. The Regional Museum of Palangkaraya contains a collection of historical and cultural interest from all over Central Kalimantan.


    Bull Race Karapan Sapi Madura


    Parties in Indonesia are rich and colorful. These festivals attract many tourists from all over the world. Keeping in line with the different religious and caste in Indonesia, festivals and events here are so different and colorful, and invite participants to a local here. Kerapan SAPI (Bull Race) is a major event here.

    The SAPI Kerapan (Bull Race) is an annual event that attracts visitors and enthusiasts from various parts of Indonesia and the world. The SAPI Kerapan (Bull Race) is held in Madura Island. These races are very unique bulls in Madura Island. The SAPI Kerapan (Bull Race) was born the custom of the race team competing against each other and hunting through the barren fields. He was sporting a love of a king at the beginning of Sumenep, one of the cities on the island. The SAPI Kerapan (Bull Race) today, from August to October. This festival offers an opportunity for local festivals pay too generous to follow the races. The bull run finally reach the grand final held in Pamekasan, the capital. Before the start of the race of the bulls are exhibited in the cities, decorated with flowers, ribbons and gold halter. It's really a beautiful sight to see different bulls wearing a colorful parade and on the road.

    While the gamelan musicians Divertimento bulls, they are fed Arak (south-east Asia with a powerful spirit rice wine). This is done to excite the bulls for the race. Only then they will be free at the expense of the track, or the public, which sometimes happens. The race does not take much time that man bulls record breaking 100 meters, crossing the distance in just nine seconds. The SAPI Kerapan (Bull Race) will start from 9:00 ET until this year.

    Kerapan SAPI (Bull Race) is full of excitement and suspense. You will definitely enjoy every moment of the race.

    Beatifull Puncak Pass

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011 0 comments

    Between Bandung and Bogor, Puncak mountain in the game, a cold, which is very popular. Jakarta dwellers spend their weekends and holidays from the heat and the busy streets of the capital of Indonesia to Puncak. Bandung to Puncak takes about 3 hours by car. Puncak pass area has long been a weekend for residents of the entire capital of Indonesia. The fresh air and beautiful view offers a sense of calm, peaceful and quiet. In the afternoon, sunsets from the top of the pass can be quite spectacular.

    Puncak Pass is one of the interesting objects in the province of West Java. It is located south of Jakarta and is within an hour away. Puncak is the ideal place for a weekend and a good location to find the fresh mountain air. In addition, there are many attractions nearby, such as Bogor and Cobodas Botanic Gardens, Pangrango Gede National Park, Safari Park and the plantations.

    Puncak Indah comprises three districts: Ciawi, Megamendung, Cisarua. The area is known for its fresh air and beautiful scenery. In Ciawi of Cipanas, there are many bungalows, hotels, motels, restaurants and other tourist facilities. Puncak tourist object is Lido Park, located in the village Cigombong / Wates Jaya (km. 21), chap. Ciawi-Sukabumi, Cijeruk. The facilities offered ara Park Lido restaurant, chalets, swimming, camping and other recreational facilities of the lake. Gunung Mas XII Plantation, located in Puncak Rd, Cisarua district. It offers panoramic views of the mountain that could not be found in Puncak. Activities that can be done on foot include tea and watch the making of tea picking until the tea is ready to serve.

    Dive Banda with Spice Island Divers

    Monday, September 26, 2011 0 comments

    Spice Island Divers is the only country in sub-Banda diving center. Owned and operated by a multinational management team, proud of operation of the service and professionalism, despite the remote location in India.

    Banda has long been thought to target only be left with the ships cruise the plunge, with limited routes to limit the time you can spend the Banda islands. Banda shore diving allows divers to enjoy scuba diving experiences in a more flexible, more time to dive into a series of sites in the port of Banda enormous natural, and also participate in excursions in the area of ​​the outer.

    Nestlé islands in the Banda Sea, eastern Indonesia, reached through the central hub of Maluku, Ambon. Banda archipelago consists of seven main islands are Banda Neira, Lonthor, Gunung Api, plantains Pulau Hatta, Ai and Run.

    Nias Geography


    Nias Island is in latitude 10 30 'north and longitude 970 98' East. Covering an area of ​​5625 km2, which is mostly lowland ± 800 m above sea level.

    And 'the largest island of the group on this side of Sumatra, which is part of the province of North Sumatra. This area consists of 131 islands and Nias is the largest. Population in this region is about 639 675 people (including Malay, Batak, and Chinese). Nias has a very particular culture and nature, which is significantly different than the other regions in North Sumatra. This is due to its isolated position and away from the rest of Sumatra.

    Asmat Tribe


    Asmat – The head-hunters – West Papua

    Asmat cannibal tribe is the most famous of Papua. They put human skulls under their heads instead of a pillow. They feed on the brains of animals mixed with sago worms directly from your skull in half. They live in small islands of mangrove vegetation near the sea on the south side of the western part of the island of New Guinea. The construction of communal houses Asmat, they live together. Each family has its own fireplace reserved. In the longhouse, six or ten members of the band live.

    In addition, the Asmat were headhunters, but also "hunt for the names." Each person is called after someone has died, or after killing the enemy. The child was given a name sometimes up to ten years after its birth, and then left the village to kill his enemy in the vicinity of the village. They had to learn the name of the man he killed, and then brings her home village of the skull. Only in this way a person can have a name.

    Komodo Island



    Komodo National Park is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores in the Sunda Islands Minor, a distance of 200 nautical miles east of Bali. It has a total area of ​​75 000 hectares and includes many islands, the largest of which are Komodo (34000 hectares), Rinca (20,000 hectares), Padar, Nusa Kode, Motang, a series of smaller islands, and the sanctuary is WAE Wuul Flores. A total of 112 500 hectares of surrounding waters are also the jurisdiction of the Park Rangers.

    DPR Just Passed Bill on Indonesian Currency

    Sunday, September 25, 2011 0 comments

    House of Representatives (DPR), just approved the bill currency on Tuesday (31 / 5). Achsanul Qosasi, Deputy Chairman of Commission XI of DPR has been brought to the Exchange Act is consistent with Article 23 B 1945 Constitution.

    Achsanul said the law contains articles regulating Indonesia rupiah currency in the near future. He took the chapter on the management of rupees as an example. In this chapter, the law requires extensive coordination between Bank Indonesia and the government. Coordination, planning, printing, distribution, revocation / withdrawal and destruction of money.

    In addition, the law also favors monetary security printing money. Government and DPR agreed that Bank Indonesia will print money for the appointment of a state-owned enterprise (Milik Negara Badan USAHA / BUMN) as an organizer.

    Bunaken National Park


    unaken National Park is very representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems, consisting of the plain sea grass, coral reefs and terrestrial / coastal.

    Park covers an area north of the islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Montehage, Siladen, Nain and Nain Kecil, Tanjung Pisok and part of the coastal area. Some South Park covers part of the Tanjung Kelapa coast.

    BOROBUDUR - The Biggest Buddhist Temple in the Ninth Century


    Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha images of the complex. Millions of people are eager to visit this building as one of the wonders of the world heritage. It is not surprising, since architecturally and functionally, as a place for Buddhists to say their prayer, Borobudur is attractive.

    Borobudur was built Samaratungga King, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of the dynasty sailendra. Kayumwungan based on the script, called the Indonesian Borobudur Kandahjaya Uday has revealed that it was a place to pray for the intention of building was completed on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years, construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some say, means a mountain with terraces (budhara), while the other says that Borobudur means monastery in a higher place.

    Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated, 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a base of support. The first six terraces are square, two upper terraces are circular, and above them is the terrace where the Buddha statue to the west. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to attain the Buddha has to go through every stage of life.

    Visa-on-arrival: June 2010, Aceh Visa on Arrival (VOA) is available in the province of Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport. VOA reaches people from 63 countries. The VOA is valid for 30 days and are expandable up to another 30 days, which applies to immigration offices in Indonesia. Every visitor to the use of Aceh VOA enter will be charged USD 25. Direct flights to Banda Aceh to Jakarta, Medan, Penang and Kuala Lumpur

    The Land of Plenty cafes coffee, Aceh is unique and tasty. The most famous is the Gayo Mountain Coffee Uleekareng and coffee. There are hundreds of quality cafes around Banda Aceh. Coffee consumption in the province of Aceh community has been very popular and is an important part of a social activity. Thus, while in the province of Aceh, be sure to stop at a coffee!

    The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.
    Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time; for example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of navigation in Bergotta (Semarang).
    All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings. For the reason, this temple functions as educating medium for those who want to learn Buddhism. YogYES suggests that you walk through each narrow passage in Borobudur in order for you to know the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the tenth century once visited this temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe.
    Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having supply of Buddha teaching script from Serlingpa (King of Sriwijaya), Atisha was able to improve Buddha's teachings after his return to India and he built a religion institution, Vikramasila Buddhism. Later he became the leader of Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six scripts from Serlingpa were then summarized as the core of the teaching called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or well known as Bodhipathapradipa.
    A question about Borobudur that is still unanswered by far is how the condition around the temple was at the beginning of its foundation and why at the time of it's finding the temple was buried. Some hypotheses claim that Borobudur in its initial foundation was surrounded by swamps and it was buried because of Merapi explosion. It was based on Kalkutta inscription with the writing 'Amawa' that means sea of milk. The Sanskrit word was used to describe the occurrence of disaster. The sea of milk was then translated into Merapi lava. Some others say that Borobudur was buried by cold lava of Merapi Mountain.
    With the existing greatness and mystery, it makes sense if many people put Borobudur in their agenda as a place worth visiting in their lives. Besides enjoying the temple, you may take a walk around the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar and Wanurejo. You can also get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery. Please visit Borobudur temple right away.

    A Little Bit About Aceh

    Saturday, September 24, 2011 0 comments

    Aceh (pronounced ah-chay) is an autonomous territory of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of Sumatra island. Aceh is where Islam was first established in Southeast Asia. In the seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the richest state, powerful and cultivated in the Straits of Malacca. Aceh was the nearest point of land to the epicenter of the earthquake of 2004, the vast Indian Ocean triggered a tsunami that devastated much of the west coast of the region, including Banda Aceh. With the help of the international community and the strong spirit of its inhabitants, Aceh was able to "build back better '. Most areas of Aceh are covered with forests, rich in economic products of oil and gas and other agricultural products.

    Indonesia History Part II


    In the 11 th century, traders brought Islam to the islands of the archipelago. Just like in Indonesia, Buddhist in the past adapted to their needs and beliefs, so accepting Islam, in addition to their conditions. However, it was not the center of Islamic culture in Indonesia, this scatteredness seems to offer a great weakness, when the Dutch arrived.

    Indonesia History Part I


    The history of Indonesia can be said to return at least half a million years, because it is the date attribute of the hominid fossils found in 1809 by Eugene Dubois near the village of Trinil, East Java. The history of Indonesia has been deeply influenced by the sea Big waves of human migration to the islands took place as far back as 3000 BC, and continued piecemeal for the better part of 3000 years. It is not known, but where these people came from southern China or the Pacific Islands. Of course, they brought with them their language, Austronesian, but because they arrived in relatively small groups and established independent colonies around the coast, sometimes co-existing with the distant descendants of the man of Java, the language has rapidly diversified, so it is now something that 200 different languages, all dating from Austronesian, spoken in Indonesia.

    But the national language of Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia or many residents refer to it simply as "Bahasa". Bahasa Indonesia is used for formal conversations and understood throughout the country. At the same time that people were immigrating to Indonesia, the former colony to navigate to other parts of the world to act. The first traces of this are probably in the works of Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, if seems to refer to exchanges between people of Indonesia and cultures in East Africa. It was at this time that Hinduism arrived in Indonesia, with the arrival of Indian traders. But the real effect of Hinduism in Indonesia was to come much later, as a deliberate missionary by the Brahmins, probably in the 5th century, with the chance of chance some of the basic ideas of Hinduism agree well with mountainworship existing Indonesian, and a strange hybrid of the two religions arose.

    Indonesia's main trading partner at the time was southern China, Buddhist influences have also begun to play a role.

    Indonesia Economics


    Ranked the 6th largest among developing countries and the 5th fastest growing G20 countries in 2010, Indonesia is unquestionably one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

    Whether you are an ECONOMIST who conducts research on developing countries, a sector ANALYST who follows the agriculture sector, or a global INVESTOR who looks for investment opportunities in emerging markets, the newly launched CEIC Indonesia Premium Database, with over 100,000 time series, will cater to your unique data needs about Indonesia. 

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